It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to the hostel. I wish all new comers a happy and meaningful stay in the Hostel. Entering the University in general and hostel in particular, you find yourselves in a different ambience where you will interact with your fellow friends from different areas and different streams. This necessarily needs for certain adjustments and I am sure that you will live up to this challenge. The hostel will be now your home and as your guardians we assure you of our support. You should feel free to discuss any problem with your Wardens and with me. The hostel is governed by certain rules and regulations which have been framed keeping in mind the safety and interest of the boarders. Needless to say these rules and regulations have to be adhered to as they have invariably been by your predecessor.The hostels are named after some renowned personalities in the field of language, literature and culture. I am sure that you will draw a lesson and inspiration by the teaching of these personalities.

I hope that your stay in the hostel will be comfortable and you will prove an asset for the University and the community at large.
Wishing you best of luck.



  • Home away from Home 
  • Enlightening Students by providing comfotable, interactive, healthy and academic-oriented environment to them in our hostels